PSA Mobile 4.0.5 – Maintenance Release - coming soon!


PSA Mobile 4.0.5 – Maintenance Release -

Canam Systems is happy to announce an important maintenance release for our Smart Tech Mobile App. Version 4.0.5 will soon be released to App stores for your users to download. Expected Official Release Date is March 31st 2019 but is determined by Apple and the Google Play store, pending their approvals.

The fixes we have included in this release are :

  • Error handling to prevent problems to sync time cards with slow connections.
  • Added functionality to rebuild the database automatically when new version is detected - preventing users having to reinstall the app.

This latest version of our Mobile App will require users to download the PSA Smart Tech Mobile App from either the Apple Store or Google Play Store the app.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a pre-release to our Mobile version 4.2, and is not to be confused with the next major version due out the 3rd week in April.  A list of those new features will be coming shortly.

  • We recommend that users turn off their Auto-update features on their devices and Manually perform the update. 
  • Users need to ensure that they have completed a sync Prior to installing PSA Smart Tech Mobile App version 4.0.5.  as information not synced may not transfer to the new version of the app.

If you have any issues, please report them to BEFORE doing the update. Data Loss, including time cards could be affected.

To install the latest version of the PSA Smart Tech Mobile App go to either Google Play or the Apple App Store and search for PSA Mobile App to check for availability.

User Guides for PSA Smart Tech Mobile App can be found on the Canam Systems website under the Customer Portal. 

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