Released - July 16th 2018
- New - customer portal to allow contacts to create notes to a job
- New - thumbnail preview of job attachments when adding as an attachment to a log note
- New - “Salesperson” column on the customer and contact lookup
- New - when adding contact, option to fill contact methods from customer
- New - option when creating jobs on the mobile to use a default company
- New - on Financials screen auto calculate gross margin which is based on the total actual costs
- New - Timecard approval report
- New - Work Order By Address report
- Hours by Job report added Pay Rate Type
- Fixes - when duplicating job a blank Work Order does not get added
- Fixes to QuickBooks sync for the transferring of update invoices
- Fixes to transferring credit memos as a positive value instead of negative
- Fixes to the new feature of cheques and credit card charges and credits
- Fixes to the log notes when adding email recipient to check for French translation “Courriel”
- Fixed error when entering date and workflow is not completed for this date.
- Fixes on Invoice QuickBooks report not working
- Control Center schedule to have job name
- Generate contact methods for customer when creating a new job
- Form sign from customer portal as option
V10.0.11.0 Release Notes
Released - July 4th 2018
Job Management Report Updates
New - QuickBooks additional sync types – Credit Card Transactions and Write Cheques
New - WOs for Vendor printout
New - Option to attach WO to a schedule notification
Fix - Syncing of employee type with PSA Desktop
Fix - Time Clock Map displays clocked in employees
Fix - Removed NaN and Infinity on Work Order Edit Screen
Fix - PSA Desktop sync pulls updated default categories and selectors from job type on the desktop
Fix - “Production Closed” populates correct time on job
Fix - PSA Desktop sync transfers replies to log notes to PSA desktop
Fix - Corrected Invoice QuickBooks report
Fix - Photo created date reflects taken date instead of uploaded date on PSA Web and PSA Mobile
Multiple fixes to “Add Note” screen
Misc. Updates
Do not allow deletion of customers attached to a job
Import employees icon changed on log note edit screen
Move link for “Attach Last Moisture Mapper Report” to Moisture Mapper tab on Job
Display notification when viewing job associated with an internal company
V10.0.11.0 Release Notes
July 4th 2018
- New: QuickBooks additional sync types – Credit Card Transactions and Write Cheques
- New: WOs for Vendor printout
- New: Option to attach WO to a schedule notification
- Fix: Syncing of employee type with PSA Desktop
- Fix: Time Clock Map displays clocked in employees
- Fix: Removed NaN and Infinity on Work Order Edit Screen
- Fix: PSA Desktop sync pulls updated default categories and selectors from job type on the desktop
- Fix: “Production Closed” populates correct time on job
- Fix: PSA Desktop sync transfers replies to log notes to PSA desktop
- Fix: Corrected Invoice QuickBooks report
- Fix: Photo created date reflects taken date instead of uploaded date on PSA Web and PSA Mobile
- Multiple fixes to “Add Note” screen
- Do not allow deletion of customers attached to a job
- Import employees icon changed on log note edit screen
- Move link for “Attach Last Moisture Mapper Report” to Moisture Mapper tab on Job
- Display notification when viewing job associated with an internal company
V10.0.11.0 Release Notes
Released: July 4th 2018
- New: QuickBooks additional sync types – Credit Card Transactions and Write Cheques
- New: WOs for Vendor printout
- New: Option to attach WO to a schedule notification
- Fix: Syncing of employee type with PSA Desktop
- Fix: Time Clock Map displays clocked in employees
- Fix: Removed NaN and Infinity on Work Order Edit Screen
- Fix: PSA Desktop sync pulls updated default categories and selectors from job type on the desktop
- Fix: “Production Closed” populates correct time on job
- Fix: PSA Desktop sync transfers replies to log notes to PSA desktop
- Fix: Corrected Invoice QuickBooks report
- Fix: Photo created date reflects taken date instead of uploaded date on PSA Web and PSA Mobile
- Multiple fixes to “Add Note” screen
- Do not allow deletion of customers attached to a job
- Import employees icon changed on log note edit screen
- Move link for “Attach Last Moisture Mapper Report” to Moisture Mapper tab on Job
- Display notification when viewing job associated with an internal company
V10.0.10.0 Release Notes
Release date: June 19th 2018
Job Management Report Updates
Added - Company setting add option to attach WO to schedule
Added - Job lost will put a production closed date
Added - spinner/loading animation when scheduling a work order
Added - Schedule display change the month from short to full
Added - Always show “Auto Create Folders Based On” option in company settings
Added - Sync KPI Date between PSA and PSA Web
Fixed – Remove barcode from work order screen
Fixed - Time clock Map issues that caused people who are not clocked in not to appear
Fixed – When dividing by zero not to display on the Work Order
Fixed – Issues on saving job no longer requires a refresh to multiple jobs
Fixed – Issues when changing jobs log note template updated
Fixed - Log note sync issue when logs are created by non-employees
Fixed – Issues converting work order to invoice/voucher, still allowing user to edit after initially converting the work order
Fixed - Topic types to now remove (loss description, notes, etc.) from topic dropdown for notes on companies/contacts
Job Management Report Updates
Added - New Performance Indicator summary report
Added - New additional addresses to the log note email recipient drop down
Added - New Time to complete report
Added - Print Contact Logs report that prints all notes assumes the note formatting with spaces to allow for readability
PSA Web V10.0.9.0 Release Notes
(Released on May 30th, 2018)
Jobs Management Updates:
Added - User definable Job Lookup screen
Added – Automatically enter received date when creating job from mobile
Added – Option when duplicating job to copy “Policy Holder & Additional Info”
Added - Save & edit option when creating a new Company
Added – Moisture Mapper report import link on job information screen
Added – Message Prompt when Property Company on Job is different (from original) Property Owner, if the Property Owner should be replaced
Fixed - Do not allow topics to be deleted that have previously been used
Fixed - Loss Description refresh when added, updated or deleted
Fixed - Workflow & log note sending email to inactive contacts
Fixed – When clicking the add button in log note screen if email is empty
Fixed - Data Mining issues when import from templates
Fixed - Job Notification to allow multiple Job Contacts to be selected
Fixed - Show default work order on Schedule Create/Edit screen dropdown
Fixed - Show the actual email recipient on log note replies
Fixed - Log note create/edit when importing job contacts and/or employees
Fixed - Active Job Management report with address